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I just want you to know that you raised an amazing son. Codie changed my life. He's in my thoughts everyday. He was such a great friend! He always knew exactly what to say to make me laugh or smile. Whenever I needed someone to talk to..he was always there. You should be so proud of Codie. You Your familyand Codie are in my prayers every night! Codie loves you so muchI know he does. He would talk about you all the time and same with the girls. If you need absolutely anything please don't hesitate to call me. My number is 239-XXX-XXXX. I'm here for you and your family at anytime. I hope you're holding up all right. Stay strong :)
Love always Landen
One of my favorite memories of my cousin Codie happened when the were living on Kirkwood. Jason being the big instagator he is, and codie always up for anything, decided to see what would happen if they put codie in a dryer drum they had found on the side of the road. I so vividly rember laughing until I thought I would pee my pants as I watched that big barrel roll down the street around and around, with just codies feet hanging out the end. I can still hear him laughing hysterically from inside! I think that was the same day they got him to put Mandy's shock collar on and run through the electric fence! I know he is watching over his loved ones and smiling right a long with all of us as we rember there stories!  love you cuz!

Well Codie, Billy, Jake and I were all at CICI's eating pizza. That was codie's favorite place to try to eat more than anyone. I believe his record is still 27 and no one ever better try to beat that or else. LOL. Well here's my story we were all walking outside and there were an old lady and an old man outside in the parking lot and codie started yelling like a lunatic laughing and running to his car...........THEN his pants fell down to his ankles.... HE had the COOLEST boxer shorts on ever LOL. He turned around very casually laughing and said... So did you guys like that or what ? Not ashamed and just codie... goofy silly hilarious and strange codie.

Love you man.


Hailee was sitting in the living room the other night and started talking about the dog and the mailman story. I totally forgot about it and when she started reminding me i was cracking up. It was the time when you had hailee pretend to be the mailman that was delivering mail to your room. You were the dog that hated mailmen. YOu had to both have been about 5 and 8. We were living in North Port.  She knocked on your door to supposedly give you the mail and you started barking and growling like a dog and hailee had a towel  and you grabbed ahold of that towel like a dog growling and tugging at it... she was cracking up laughing and WHAMOOOO out came your two front teeth. LOL. You ran out of your room in horror with the two teeth in your hand full of blood half laughing half in horror of what your lil sister had just done. YOu were cracking up laughing within a few minutes and couldn't wait to tell everyone what your sister had just done to you. I hope you are reading this and it brings a smile to your face because those memories will always be cherished and i will try to share them with everyone more often. I love you.
your paigey ( :

for some reason its been hard for me to share my memoires with you code. i always think about them in my head an laugh to my self, but i can never seem to get the words out sometimes when im some where i went with you ill just out of no where say omg codie did this ... when we... bla bla lol people will kind of get quiet cause they dont know if im about to cry or if im just making a joke. i guess i just dont really know how m suppose to deal with it still. i cant say how many times ive yelled at people when they say codie was, or use to. i like to keep you in present tense, its just somthin weird of me. i remember the times you would call me at 3 am yellng or upset about Mckenzie and you would get more mad when i would tell you youll be okay, but you would get calm when i would tell you to shut the hell up haha. i remember when you were not suppose to be doing drugs, and every time i would see you at chriss or a party you would say oh greattt paige is goin to be texting my mom an rat me out. haha but i know you werent really mad at me for doing so. youve never once let me down codie, i know we had our few times of driftin away but we always came back to eacohother. id like to talk about this more but you know i always think about you, and our memories togehter and thats all that really matters. i miss you alot, but your finally at peace and well never have to worry about you hurting ever again. i love you alot.



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