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Lori O'Neil-Lopes

Before Joanne and her family decided to move to sunny Florida.  She was a life time resident in Massachusettes.  I have the baby memories of Codi.  When I was in the Stop & Shop one day I was going up the isle that has the cereal, snack bars etc.  Well there was our beloved Codi with daddy in the back of the carriage.  Standing up and reaching for everything and anything he could get his little hands on.  He was about 3 in a half.  Dad was trying to decide on a cereal, well Codi already had one in mind.  The one Codi wanted wasn't on the agenda.  So I spot Dave and strike up a conversation.  It was the funniest thing I ever saw in my life Codi started taken stuff out of the back of the carriage and whipping it on the floor.  David as mello as ever would pick it up and continue talking.  Codi now saw David Vulnerable bent over, so he now reaches for the shelves and starts throwing stuff off of the shelf onto the floor.  Of course laughing the entire time he was doing it.  I thought it was hysterical (I have no kids lol.....)  David on the other hand did not find this to funny.   All I kept saying was if the BOSS (Joanne) was here this would not be happening........  Neadless to say Codi one the battle,  David folded like a three legged lawn chair and gave Codi the cereal he wanted.   LOL......

Diane Rosolen
Diane Rosolen Friend May 29, 2009

We all knew Codie as the one person that could always make you smile no matter what lengths he had to go through to achieve it.....MY Daughter Caitlin and Codie were very good friends and he always brought laughter to us when he came over.  The one memory that will always stand out in my mind is....Codie being a Red Sox Fan and me being a Yankees Fan always heated up the room, thats if I let him in the house :-)......Codie would come over to hang out with Caitlin and if I answered the door before Caitlin, I would tell Codie....."You can come in if you agree that the Yankees are the BEST"....Codie would look at me with those big brown eyes and stand there and ponder the thought....as I stood in front of the door blockng him from coming in.....I would say "Well, whats your decision....agree or disagree".....Needelss to say, Codie being the strong minded Young man that he was....stood his ground and would rather wait outside than agree....so I would say fine and close the door.....meanwhile we would both be laughing on either side of the door.  I would go back to whatever I was doing and low and behold....Caitlin would open the door....let Codie in when I wasn't looking....and then be standing in the kitchen picking at whatever food was out on the counter....his appetite was ravenous.


Codie...I hope you know how much Caitlin and I cared for you, even though you were a Red Sox Fan....


God Bless and Peace to you Codie~

Diane Rosolen~

Aunt Sandy

When I was 16 years old my beautiful baby sister was born.  She was my little doll, my baby.  I adored her, she was perfect in every way.  Every day I would walk to Cherry & Webb in Fall River and buy her something pretty to wear.  Pink & frilly, smocked or pleated, I loved dressing her in all the pretty little girl clothes.  SHE however had a mind of her own, off came the girly clothes, on with the jeans and T's or even better, no clothes at all!  (Sorry Jo.)  She had a mind of her own, a bizarre sense of humor, a huge smile with big dimples and way of charming everyone she touched. 

I watched her grow into a beautiful young woman and then the biggest miracle any woman can experiance, she became a mother for the first time.  She adored her young son, he was her pride, her joy, her soul, her best friend.  He was so much like his mother they could overwhelm you if they were in the same room at the same time, too much crazy!  I love them both and it breaks my heart to loose you Codie.  It breaks my heart to see my sister in so much pain.  I see him in your eyes, in your dimples, in your laugh, in every crazy thing you say and do.  You are so brave.  Every day you live for your family and to honor his memory.  He must be so proud of you, it would be so much easier to just pull a blanket over your head and give up.  You will fight to make some sense of his tragic loss.  You will fight to keep his memory alive and to help another teen who suffers as Codie suffered.  I am so proud of you.




One time when code came to my condo in Port Charlotte for the weekend we went to the local goodwill store in the morning. We went in and went and bought the most ridiculious looking clothes we could find. We went to my car right from there and put them on. We wore those horrible looking clothes all day as we went to the mall, at lunch, and waited in line to go to the go carts. We got so many strange looks from people. We just acted like they were the most normal looking clothes and laughed. One shirt had huge pineapples all over it. One thing about code was he not afraid to make a fool of himself. We had a great time that day.

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